: Time to Give AI a Rest Like a lot of people, I too am sick of AI in everything. It’s a useful tool that’s …

: Cause of Lupus Found Very impressive work by a team of doctors finding cause of the disease Lupus. We’ve identified a …

: New Drug for Alzheimer's Nears Wider Market Approval A bit of good news for a Friday On Monday, the panel unanimously voted that the medicine, developed …

: New Way to Grow Human Liver Being Trialed Well this is just down right extraordinary. It would be amazing if this works! The approach is …

: Vernor Vinge has passed away One of my favorite authors has moved on to what’s next (honestly nobody knows). A Fire Upon the Deep …

: Whats in a Copy? Well this certainly does not strike confidence in medical device development. I would think this …

: And Now DOOM....running on a Toothbrush Well the train keeps chugging along the “what exactly can we get Doom to run on next tracks…." Doom …

: Battery Passports While I doubt this would ever take off in the US it’s interesting to see. The digital documents …

: Insight into Lupus Researchers have found what can cause Lupus in children. From the article: Sometimes a single …

: Finally - What's in Pee Our long national nightmare is over. Researchers have determined an enzyme is responsible for making …

: Cause of Fatigue in Long Covid Patients Found Well this is some good news. Via the article: We saw various abnormalities in the muscle tissue of …

: Phenylephrine determined not to work Interesting to see this kind of science. A rare win in todays medical landscape for consumers. …

: Space 1999 - The Catacombs - Comprehensive guides to Space 1999 Whilst tunneling on the Internets (a series of tubes), I came across The Catacombs - Comprehensive …

: The Death of Microwaves and the Instapot Some very interesting facts on why microwaves are terrible these days along with the death of the …

: Insanity of Airbnb Now I realize there are always two sides to every story and don’t believe everything you read on the …

: Graham Chapman's Eulogy by Sir John Cleese Came across this in my digital travels. It's stuff like this that will forever make them legends.

: Nobel Prize in medicine awarded to scientists who laid foundation for messenger RNA vaccines WELL deserved I might add. Source: Washington Post

: Sony Systems Compromised Appearing on Kotaku, Sony systems have been supposedly breach by a ransomware gang called …

: Ziply Fiber and the MTU Universe I wanted to put this out there in case some other poor savage goes down this road. Plugging a Ziply …

: Aardvark'd: The Fog Creek Documentary, 18 Years Later Stumbled across this on the internetz. Interesting documentary on Fog Creek software. Well worth the …

: Beetle grows ‘termite’ on back to steal food Just when I thought nature could not get crazier, she proves me wrong yet again. Richard Pallardy …

: The Return of Alan Wake The original Alan Wake was released in 2010. Although the game generally got good reviews, I could …

: Why Cartoon Characters Wear Gloves Apparently there are several answers. I had zero clue this was a thing. Source: Vox

: Added to the Growing List of "Nope" Well I shall not lie, this is disturbing. It was a fairly regular day on the ward for Canberra …

: Paper Cups No Better Than Plastic Well I guess this makes sense but it would be great if we could get some good news for a change. …

: New York Rents Still High....Who Knew From CNBC: The average Manhattan rent just hit a new record of $5,588 a month The article …

: The Shape of Things to Come Research at the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA have been able to develop a new method of …

: End of an Era Tony Bennett, crooner who sang ‘I Left My Heart in San Francisco,’ dies at 96 When the world still …

: Ouch, not a good look: “I’m going to get fired for this, but I work at Twitter right now and have …

: Meta Threads….A primer

: Good luck with this…Elon

: Pedestrian Deaths Juliana Kim writing for NPR "There are more pedestrians being killed today than in decades," Russ …

: A New Way To Look at Superconductivity MIT Physicists have discovered another possible clue in how different materials achieve …

: It's Ok to Slow Down This hits hard in 2023 Over It

: Xerox Work Center Can Replicate Data Incorrectly Well this is not a good look at any level Source

: Intel PowerVia Well this is an interesting read on Intels new PowerVia technology. PowerVia by way of Spectrum.ieee

: Apollo Shutting Down Because Reddit @(*#)@ the Bed Reddit is the new villain of their internet. A great app being killed. Apollo for Reddit to Shut …

: Chernobyl Forests Decay Rates are Off Turns out radiation is not great for nature, who knew?... “The gist of our results was that the …

: AI Indeed This seems quite horrifying if actually true. Military AI simulation has suppressing results …

: Thing 2 Sequel May Be Coming PLEASE let this be a thing. Source: Gizmodo

: Just What We Needed - More Creepy Last of Us Indeed Source: Last of Us (Fruit Fly Edition)

: Find a Truer Statement...I'll Wait

: Bad in Every Possible Way Can’t say enough about how absurd the US Health Care system is. Profit-Obsessed Private Equity Is …

: Speed Check Sad day and a great guy. He will be missed. If you have never heard the story well worth a read. …

: The Demon Core Here there be dragons…. Source: The New Yorker

: Fixing your Cable Modem (and other interesting facts) Interesting (and long) read of trouble shooting unstable cable modem problems. Worth a read / book …

: Lost SciFi of the 70’s Worth a quick read (if only for nostalgia). Great list of some of the SciFi movie gem’s of the …

: On the Nature of Black Holes Interesting article at Phys.org. A team of researchers putting for a write up on to what the nature …

: No Show - No Go I support for either party:

: Other than SpaceX This is interesting and a nice development. I am not a fan of all the Musk shenanigans. More …

: End of Line Bad new for Drobo, good news for Synology End of an error I suppose. Covid is a @)&$@#&$ Via …

: As god is my witness I had no clue..

: Reap What you Sow This was an interesting read. I have encountered this. I wonder how common this is. Respectful …

: Astronomers spot largest cosmic explosion ever witnessed Put this in the interesting as hell column. CNN

: Number One So this is what day 1 looks like. Bravo