• Science



    On the Nature of Black Holes

    Interesting article at Phys.org. A team of researchers putting for a write up on to what the nature of black holes may actually be:

    "In their analysis they found that these topological solitons are stable defects in space-time itself. They require no matter or other forces to exist—they are as natural to the fabric of space-time as cracks in ice."

    Somehow I find a bit of elegance to this theory if it pans out.

    Source: phys.org

    Monday May 22, 2023
  • Science



    Other than SpaceX

    This is interesting and a nice development. I am not a fan of all the Musk shenanigans. More companies in this space is a good thing.

    Blue Origin and Nasa commit to land astronauts on the moon:

    Source: Daily Mail

    Friday May 19, 2023