Of a Fermion
Researchers have discovered a predicted type of fermion that has mass in only one direction.
From the article:
Scientists have made a satisfying and intriguing physics discovery some 16 years after it was first predicted to be a possibility: a quasiparticle (a group of particles behaving as one) that only has an effective mass when moving in one direction.
In physics, mass generally refers to a property of particles that relates to things like their energy and resistance to movement. Yet not all mass is built the same – some describes the energy of a particle at rest, for example, while mass may also take into account the energy of a particle's motion.
In this case, the effective mass describes the quasiparticle's response to forces, which varies depending on whether the movement through the material is up and down, or back and forth.
Whereas regular quasiparticles have the same mass no matter what their direction of travel, the semi-Dirac fermion (to give it its technical name) being studied here doesn't seem to play by the normal rules.
Source: Science Alert
Author: David Nield
Researchers spot black hole feeding at 40x its theoretical limit
A great article from John Timmer at Ars Technica I highly encourage taking a moment to read. We need more science now more than ever.
Source: Researchers spot black hole feeding at 40x its theoretical limit
Cause of Lupus Found
Very impressive work by a team of doctors finding cause of the disease Lupus.
We’ve identified a fundamental imbalance in the immune responses that patients with lupus make, and we’ve defined specific mediators that can correct this imbalance to dampen the pathologic autoimmune response,” said co-corresponding author Deepak Rao, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a rheumatologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and co-director of its Center for Cellular Profiling.
In the study, the scientists reported a new pathway that drives disease in lupus. There are disease-associated changes in multiple molecules in the blood of patients with lupus. Ultimately, these changes lead to insufficient activation of a pathway controlled by the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), which regulates cells’ response to environmental pollutants, bacteria or metabolites. Insufficient activation of AHR results in too many disease-promoting immune cells, called the T peripheral helper cells, that promote the production of disease-causing autoantibodies.
To show this discovery can be leveraged for treatments, the investigators returned the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-activating molecules to blood samples from lupus patients. This seemed to reprogram these lupus-causing cells into a cell called a Th22 cell that may promote wound healing from the damage caused by this autoimmune disease.
Obvious caveats. Any type of drugs to reverse Lupus are a long ways off. What is great is that they landed in Nature which may spark more interest in this area of study.
Source: Northwestern Medicine
New Drug for Alzheimer's Nears Wider Market Approval
A bit of good news for a Friday
On Monday, the panel unanimously voted that the medicine, developed by Eli Lilly and known as donanemab, appears to be an effective treatment for certain Alzheimer’s patients. The experts also concluded, by an 11-0 vote, that the drug’s benefits outweigh its risks, despite some safety concerns.
Source: Biopharmadive
New Way to Grow Human Liver Being Trialed
Well this is just down right extraordinary. It would be amazing if this works!
The approach is unusual: researchers injected healthy liver cells from a donor into a lymph node in the upper abdomen of the person with liver failure. The idea is that in several months, the cells will multiply and take over the lymph node to form a structure that can perform the blood-filtering duties of the person’s failing liver.
Source: Max Kozlov writing for Nature
Insight into Lupus
Researchers have found what can cause Lupus in children. From the article:
Sometimes a single mutation in our genetic make-up is enough to cause disease. This is also the case with the autoimmune disease lupus. Lupus causes severe inflammation throughout the body and can have a serious impact on the lives of those affected. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin have now discovered a mechanism that can trigger lupus in children. This mechanism regulates the amount of a specific immune receptor that normally recognizes the genetic material of pathogens. If this mechanism is disrupted, receptors accumulate in the immune cells leading to the recognition of the body's own genetic material. As a result, the immune system turns against its own body and causes the systemic inflammation of lupus.
Source: Max-Plance-Gesellschaft
Finally - What's in Pee
Our long national nightmare is over. Researchers have determined an enzyme is responsible for making our urine yellow.
From the article:
Gut microbes encode the enzyme bilirubin reductase that converts bilirubin into a colorless byproduct called urobilinogen," explained Hall, who has a joint appointment in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. "Urobilinogen then spontaneously degrades into a molecule called urobilin, which is responsible for the yellow color we are all familiar with.
Source: Phys.org
Cause of Fatigue in Long Covid Patients Found
Well this is some good news. Via the article:
We saw various abnormalities in the muscle tissue of the patients. At the cellular level, we saw that the mitochondria of the muscle, also known as the energy factories of the cell, function less well and that they produce less energy," says Rob Wüst, Assistant Professor at Department of Human Movement Sciences at the VU University. "So, the cause of the fatigue is really biological. The brain needs energy to think. Muscles need energy to move. This discovery means we can now start to research an appropriate treatment for those with long-COVID
Source: Amsterdam UMC
Nobel Prize in medicine awarded to scientists who laid foundation for messenger RNA vaccines
WELL deserved I might add.
Source: Washington Post
Beetle grows ‘termite’ on back to steal food
Just when I thought nature could not get crazier, she proves me wrong yet again.
Richard Pallardy writing for Science.org:
The new beetle species (Austrospirachtha carrijoi)—found beneath the soil in Australia’s Northern Territory—emulates a termite by enlarging its abdomen, a phenomenon known as physogastry. Evolution has reshaped this body part into a highly realistic replica of a termite (as seen above), head and all, which rides on top of the rest of the beetle’s body. The beetle’s real, much smaller head peeks out from beneath its termite disguise, the authors report this month in the journal Zootaxa.
Source: Science.org
Added to the Growing List of "Nope"
Well I shall not lie, this is disturbing.
It was a fairly regular day on the ward for Canberra hospital infectious diseases physician Dr Sanjaya Senanayake, until a neurosurgeon colleague called him and said: “Oh my God, you wouldn’t believe what I just found in this lady’s brain – and it’s alive and wriggling.”
The neurosurgeon, Dr Hari Priya Bandi, had pulled an 8cm-long parasitic roundworm from her patient, prompting her to call on Senanayake and other hospital colleagues for advice about what to do next.
Source: The Guardian
Paper Cups No Better Than Plastic
Well I guess this makes sense but it would be great if we could get some good news for a change.
Replacing single use plastic cups with paper ones is problematic. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg show that a paper cup that ends up in nature can also cause damage as they also contain toxic chemicals.
Source: University of Gothenburg
Chernobyl Forests Decay Rates are Off
Turns out radiation is not great for nature, who knew?...
“The gist of our results was that the radiation inhibited microbial decomposition of the leaf litter on the top layer of the soil,” Mousseau says. This means that nutrients aren’t being efficiently returned to the soil, he adds, which could be one of the causes behind the slower rates of tree growth surrounding Chernobyl. “
Source: Smithsonian Magazine
Just What We Needed - More Creepy
Last of Us Indeed
Source: Last of Us (Fruit Fly Edition)
Speed Check
Sad day and a great guy. He will be missed. If you have never heard the story well worth a read.
Speed Check Story here -
The Demon Core
Here there be dragons….
Source: The New Yorker
On the Nature of Black Holes
Interesting article at Phys.org. A team of researchers putting for a write up on to what the nature of black holes may actually be:
"In their analysis they found that these topological solitons are stable defects in space-time itself. They require no matter or other forces to exist—they are as natural to the fabric of space-time as cracks in ice."
Somehow I find a bit of elegance to this theory if it pans out.
Source: phys.org
Other than SpaceX
This is interesting and a nice development. I am not a fan of all the Musk shenanigans. More companies in this space is a good thing.
Blue Origin and Nasa commit to land astronauts on the moon:
Source: Daily Mail