AI Avatars on Meta
There is no way any good can come of this. Allison Morrow writing for CNN:
They'll have bios and profile pictures and be able to generate and share content powered by AI on the platform... that's where we see all of this going.
Uh yea no, that will be a hard pass.
Source: RNZ
Why the Windows 95 setup process used 3 different OS's
I probably installed Windows 95 hundreds of times over my career and never knew this. Makes sense once you know.
Time to Give AI a Rest
Like a lot of people, I too am sick of AI in everything. It’s a useful tool that’s degenerated into nothing more than every company in the world trying to jam the LLM down our thoughts as the next big thing (aka the game change).
I am not alone. See here
Sony Systems Compromised
Appearing on Kotaku, Sony systems have been supposedly breach by a ransomware gang called Ransomed.vc. The gang has indicated they will be selling the compromised data.
“We have successfully [compromised] all of [Sony’s] systems,” Ransomed.vc proclaimed. “We won’t ransom them! We will sell the data. Due to Sony not wanting to pay. DATA IS FOR SALE. WE ARE SELLING IT.”
Another day of digital life….
Source: Kotaku